How Emsculpt NEO Reshapes the Body: Emsculpt Arms, Butt, Thighs & More

If you’d like to improve the shape of your body and get rid of stubborn areas of fat, you’re not alone. Many people spend lots of time trying the newest diets and exercise plans but still struggle with areas they can’t seem to reduce.

Emsculpt can help contour the areas of the body that you would like to improve while also building muscle.

What Is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body sculpting procedure designed to build muscle and burn fat. It delivers high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) pulses to the muscle tissue, creating muscle contractions that activate more muscle fibers than what you can achieve through normal exercise.

Emsculpt is approved to tighten, tone, and strengthen large muscle groups. These include the abdomen and buttocks as well as smaller body areas, such as the upper arms, thighs, and calves. As the process takes hold, you’ll notice increased muscle definition and reduced circumference.

Its cousin, Emsculpt Neo, is another FDA-cleared device that uses enhanced HIFEM technology. It delivers up to 20% more pulses than the original Emsculpt and combines radiofrequency technology in the form of heat to burn fat more effectively.

Emsculpt Neo can be used to treat the same areas as Emsculpt, but it is also approved for lipolysis of the thighs. Both treatments may reduce muscle separation in the abdominal area, which is common with women who have been pregnant. Since the treatment is non-surgical, it requires little downtime and no incisions.

What Are the Benefits of Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo?

Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo are revolutionary treatments that are completely non-surgical, with no anesthesia required and no downtime. They provide a dual advantage: toning muscles and reducing fat. These treatments are a great option for those who want a more sculpted physique and stronger muscles.

How to Choose Between Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo

People who choose the original Emsculpt may not see results that are quite as significant as Emsculpt Neo, especially if they have a higher BMI.

Keep in mind that Emsculpt is not designed to be a weight loss solution; instead, it should be seen as a body sculpting treatment to address stubborn areas of fat.

Emsculpt NEO Treatment Areas

Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO are among the first and best nonsurgical fat reduction treatments because they target areas of the body that are notoriously challenging to tone. That means no matter which area you want to improve, the supramaximal contractions from an Emsculpt session will tone your body far better than a trip to the gym with a personal trainer.

Because the technology lets Emsculpt produce so many contractions in such a short amount of time, the body’s response to a session will be significantly faster than other non-invasive fat reduction solutions. This lets you pick and choose which areas of the body you want to tone the fastest.

Emsculpt Arms

Whether from age, lifestyle, or hormone changes, finding yourself with flabby arms (or bat wings) is not uncommon. After a while, it might seem like all the different arm exercises in the world won’t make a difference. Thankfully, Emsculpt applicators can precisely fit on the arms, enhancing them with each 30-minute session.

Emsculpt for arms is highly recommended as a fast-acting, long-lasting solution for fat reduction and muscle building. Before long, your arms will have the dramatic definition that you can’t wait to show off.

Emsculpt Calves

If you’re among the many people whose calves don’t seem to contour as much as you’d like, you’re in luck. The endless calf raises, runs, and other attempts to sculpt your calves that aren’t working can now step back for Emsculpt NEO. While one Emsculpt calves session will bring you definition, you can work with a provider to establish a treatment plan.

With each Emsculpt appointment, you’ll continue seeing calf improvements. Of course, Emsculpt does not and should not replace working out. Staying active and eating healthy will only serve to help your results last longer, and you’ll feel better.

Emsculpt Thighs

Thick thighs can be difficult to control on your own. As time goes on, the challenge becomes more intense with cellulite joining the mix. Emsculpt NEO can target the inner and outer thigh areas to help smooth the skin and build muscle. Before long, you’ll have the legs you always dreamed of having but never thought possible. Plus, your jeans will fit better.

Emsculpt Butt

Any number of factors can contribute to your booty looking flat or saggy. From the side effects of age to hormonal changes and lack of proper diet and exercise, your butt might not be at its best. Emsculpt NEO for the buttocks can transform the area, lifting and tightening to provide you with a fuller profile in all the right places.

Emsculpt Abs

Even if you’re not looking for a perfect six-pack, it can still be quite a struggle to get your tummy firm. The abdominal area is one of the most challenging areas to tone, but also one of the most important. A strong core is crucial to better posture, less back pain, and a lower likelihood of muscle injury.

Emsculpt for the stomach can flatten, strengthen, and tighten the area for a slimmer, healthier you.

How Do Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo Work?

Emsculpt works by forcing the muscles to contract. A 30-minute session with Emsculpt may produce up to 20,000 muscle contractions, while Emsculpt Neo produces up to 24,000. These muscle contractions stress the muscles, triggering rapid changes at the cellular level to increase muscle size and strength.

To supply energy for the muscle contractions, nearby fat cells break down during lipolysis. The damaged fat cells release their contents as free fatty acids, and the cells themselves eventually die. The body’s lymphatic system will naturally eliminate them over the coming weeks and months. 

The combination of muscle contractions and fat lipolysis results in stronger, more defined muscles and a leaner physique. 

Emsculpt Neo combines enhanced electromagnetic energy with radiofrequency heat. The heat boosts blood supply to the muscles, which helps increase muscle fibers and volume. It also heats the fat layer to just above 42°C, the temperature where fat cells break down. 

Severely damaged fat cells are metabolized and eliminated by the body over the next few weeks, leading to permanent fat loss. 

Your body will continue to adapt to the changes initiated during the Emsculpt treatments. You’ll see continued muscle growth and fat shrinkage for about four months after your last procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Emsculpt or Emsculpt Neo?

Those with less fat can opt for the original Emsculpt. Emsculpt is a good option for those with small amounts of fat (less than an inch) they are seeking to reduce.

Individuals with a higher amount of body fat are better candidates for Emsculpt Neo. In fact, Emsculpt Neo is approved for those with a BMI up to 35.

What Happens During an Emsculpt Treatment?

During an Emsculpt treatment, you’ll lie down on the table and a qualified member of our team will secure the applicators to the area you’re seeking to reduce. A session will last between 20 and 30 minutes on average, depending upon the size of the area being treated.

An Emsculpt Neo treatment is similar, but you’ll feel a mild sensation of heat from the radiofrequency device. A sensor in each applicator will monitor your skin temperature in real-time.

It’s common to undergo multiple sessions within a small span of time, such as two weeks. Our qualified team members at Spa West can recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

How Many Sessions Do You Need?

Generally, people undergo four 30-minute treatment sessions spaced a few days apart for best Emsculpt Neo results. However, our team will discuss your concerns and goals of the treatment to design a plan that fits best for you.

How Soon Will You See Results?

People who are generally fit may start to see some improvements within a few days of their first treatment session. The best Emsculpt Neo results will appear over time and optimize around the three-month period.

How Long Do Results Last?

Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo results will last as long as you maintain them with regular exercise and a healthy diet. You can return for maintenance treatments as needed.

Ready to Try Emsculpt Neo in Westlake, OH?

If you’re seeking to improve muscle tone and reduce body fat, Emsculpt Neo in Westlake, OH may be a great option for you! Contact us for a free consultation at Spa West. We’ll discuss your goals and design an appropriate treatment plan to get you the best results.


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