Can Emtone Help Reduce My Cellulite?

If you’re struggling with cellulite, you’re not alone. These dreaded little dimples can appear almost anywhere in the body — on the thighs, buttocks, arms, and stomach. Cellulite can be a severe source of annoyance, especially during warmer seasons when you switch from sweaters to tank tops. However, a new solution known as Emtone can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

What Is Emtone?

Emtone is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment for cellulite. Through a combination of radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy, it reduces the appearance of cellulite dimples. The radiofrequency element of the treatment heats up to temperatures of 111℉. At this point, collagen undergoes structural changes. When the radiofrequency is applied, collagen is stimulated and skin is tightened and firmed.Targeted pressure energy allows for an increase in circulation, resulting in a reduction of the fluid that leads to the bumpy appearance of cellulite. Once the procedure is completed, collagen and elastin will firm and smooth the skin. 

What Causes Cellulite?

There is no single confirmed cause of cellulite. It is a harmless condition that appears in some people and results in a dimpled appearance of the skin. Those who appreciate smoother skin often want to reduce it. Some common methods of cellulite reduction include massage, weight loss, exercise, and skin creams. However, while these methods may help reduce the appearance of cellulite, they cannot eliminate it. Cellulite often appears around the thighs, buttocks, breasts, lower abdomen, and upper arms. It is often described as having a cottage cheese-like texture. In most cases, the appearance of cellulite is mild, but it may be more severe in others.

What Are the Benefits of Emtone?

There are a number of advantages to using Emtone to treat cellulite. 

Non-Invasive Treatment Option

While other treatment options such as liposuction may help reduce the appearance of cellulite, they are invasive. Emtone, on the other hand, is not. This treatment uses radiofrequency to break up cellulite that has developed in places on the body. During its use, you’ll feel a warming sensation on the areas of the skin that are being treated. However, there are no cuts or incisions made to the area.

Return to Normal Activities Quickly

After an Emtone session, you can go right back to your normal activities. Since this treatment is non-invasive, there are no incisions to recover from. You can return to your regular routine right away.

Can Be Used on All Skin Types

Some cellulite reduction methods, such as laser therapy, may only be able to be used on individuals with certain skin tones. However, Emtone is appropriate for all skin tones and skin types. If you schedule an appointment at Spa West, we’ll work with you to devise a treatment program appropriate for your needs.

It’s Super Quick

Emtone cellulite treatment is a quick process. Your session will likely last between 20 and 30 minutes. Depending on your treatment plan, you may return for additional sessions over the coming weeks to obtain optimal results.

Reduced Cellulite Appearance

Using Emtone can result in the reduction of cellulite for people who haven’t been able to obtain the results they want through other means. The technology used in an Emtone session causes collagen to change shape and form new bonds. It also forces fluid that has built up in the affected areas to disperse.

What Happens During an Emtone Treatment at Spa West?

Before undergoing an Emtone treatment at Spa West, you’ll have a consultation with a member of our skilled team. We’ll discuss your medical history and examine the area you’d like to treat. Of course, we’ll also answer any questions you have and describe the procedure in detail. Our team will provide you with a recommended treatment plan for you to follow so that you obtain the best results.In most cases, we’re able to perform your Emtone session immediately following the consultation. We’ll begin by asking you to lie down on one of our comfortable treatment tables. Next, we’ll apply a lotion that is designed to allow the Emtone device to move smoothly over the area you wish to be treated. The Emtone device consists of a handpiece that is used to glide over your skin. This may feel a bit warm due to the radiofrequency, but it has a pleasant sensation. You’ll also feel a sense of vibration from the pressure energy emitted. The entire process should last less than 30 minutes. Afterward your session, you can return to your regular workday or other activities. 

When Will I See Results from Emtone?

You’ll begin to see Emtone results within a few weeks of your session. Most patients need between two and four treatments to obtain the Emtone results they desire. These sessions will be spaced slightly apart over a period of a few weeks. Optimal Emtone results will appear within three months, as it takes time for new collagen and elastin to develop.Understand that Emtone is not a permanent solution to treat cellulite. To maintain your results, you may need follow-up treatment sessions.

Do You Want to Reduce Your Cellulite in Westlake, OH?

At Spa West, our trained and experienced team will provide you with solutions to reduce your cellulite using Emtone treatment. Once you schedule a consultation with us, we’ll work with you to understand the areas you wish to target and design an appropriate treatment plan. Emtone can help diminish the appearance of unsightly cellulite on the legs, buttocks, and other areas of the body. Reach out to schedule an appointment using our online form!


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