IPL Treatment

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a form of light therapy, also known as a photofacial, that has been shown to be effective in the treatment of wrinkles, skin spots and removal of unwanted hair. IPL can be used for the removal or minimization of sun damage, freckles, age spots, birthmarks, rosacea, broken blood vessels, varicose veins and hair on any part of your body where it is unwanted. An IPL differs from a laser treatment in that if produces many different wavelengths of light, similar to a photo flash, whereas a laser treatment uses a single wavelength of light to treat the skin. The IPL light is able to penetrate the deeper layer of skin, known as the dermis, without causing harm to the outer layer, or epidermis, due to the scattered nature of the light. The heat applied to the pigment cells through the light cause them to heat up, which in turn breaks down the different colored pigment that is causing the spots. In terms of hair removal, the light works by destroying the hair follicle which will prevent the hair from growing back.

What are the benefits of an IPL photofacial?

IPL photofacial treatments have many benefits for both hair removal and skin therapy. The treatment has proven to be effective in the permanent removal of unwanted hair from many different parts of the body by destroying the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing back. It is also effective in removing or minimizing the appearance of spots on the skin, whether they are freckles, age spots, birth marks or discolorations caused by sun damage. Each session is typically quicker than some other procedures that can be used for the same issues. Due to the nature of the light using several different wavelengths, the outer layers of skin aren’t damaged, and recovery is very fast.

What areas can be treated?

IPL can be used on many different areas of the body, particularly for hair removal treatments. Commonly treated areas for hair removal are the face, bikini line, underarms, neck, chest, back and legs. Pretty much any area of the body can be treated for skin imperfections such as age spots, freckles, birthmarks, sun damage, varicose veins and rosacea, however areas that have uneven skin may not have as successful results as smoother areas. Skin treatments will require usually about three to six treatments to achieve the desired results and hair removal treatments will take about six to twelve treatments however this will vary by individual.

How quickly will I see results?

IPL treatment may make the treated areas of your skin feel like they have been sunburnt and the skin itself may appear to be bruised or red for a couple of days following your treatment. Dark spots may appear darker initially but they should clear up within a few weeks. Depending on the issue being treated and the severity of the condition, it can take a few months of regular, repeated sessions in order to see drastic results. However, patients should start to see improvements within a week of each session with the goal being steady progress towards the final end result.

How long does IPL treatment last?

Like many other treatments, results may not be permanent for all patients. While in many cases the results are long-lasting, they won’t stop the body from its natural processes that can bring on new brown spots, wrinkles and hair. After the initial series of treatments, results can last for 6 to 12 months, with patients having the ability to complete follow up treatments once or twice a year in order to maintain the desired results over the long-term. In terms of hair growth, IPL will only work on active hair follicles, so additional treatments will need to be done for hair follicles that weren’t active at the time of treatment and therefore still grow hair. 

IPL Photofacials in Westlake, OH

Our team of professionals at Spa West can walk you through all of the details of your unique IPL treatment, including how many sessions you will need and how long you can expect your results to last. Reach out to us today to learn more about IPL treatment and its benefits. Contact Spa West to schedule your consultation today! Looking forward to serve you!

IPL Photofacial Treatments Before and After