Reasons to Choose Dysport Injections

Most people know what Botox does, but not everyone realizes there are other options if you want neurotoxin injections to help diminish signs of aging. One of these options is Dysport. Dysport has been around for more than 25 years, making it a great choice for many people. At Spa West, we offer Dysport for people with mild, moderate, and even severe wrinkles. Learn more about the benefits these injections can offer and how they differ from Botox. 

What Is Dysport?

Dysport, like Botox, uses botulinum bacteria to provide results. It works by paralyzing the targeted muscles at the injection sites, interrupting the nerve impulses your brain sends to them, telling them to contract. For this reason, it is a great choice for treating dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are wrinkles created by facial expressions. Frowning and smiling can cause fine lines and creases to form as you grow older. These lines and creases form partly because your skin starts losing flexibility as you enter your 30s and continues to do so with each passing year. The production of crucial proteins for skin health, collagen and elastin, slows down, and that can leave skin that is not as hydrated or firm. All of this helps wrinkles form. Dysport injections force the muscles that create the wrinkles to relax, smoothing out your skin and diminishing and even eliminating the appearance of creases.We offer Dysport for the treatment of frown lines, or glabellar lines. These are the creases that form between your eyebrows when you frown and which, over time, can become permanent and visible even when your face is at rest. The best candidates for Dysport injections are people with moderate to severe glabellar lines, who are in good overall health, and who have realistic expectations. You may not be the right candidate if:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are allergic to the ingredients of Dysport
  • You have a neuromuscular disease

During your consultation with us, we will assess the treatment areas and see if Dysport is the right choice. We also offer Dysport for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, a condition in which your underarms produce more sweat than normal. 

Dysport vs. Botox

Although they are both neuromodulators made from botulinum, there are differences between these two types of injections. For one thing, Dysport is FDA-approved for the specific treatment of glabellar lines, while Botox has more uses. The concentration levels of the botulinum toxin are also different. Dysport is more diluted than Botox, but its molecular diffusion is also different. Dysport can target larger areas more evenly than Botox, making it perfect for forehead injections. Botox, on the other hand, works best in smaller areas. Dysport is also more affordable than Botox. Since it can spread out more and cover larger areas, this can mean saving a bit of money on your injections. 

Benefits of Dysport

Dysport is a minimally invasive procedure, allowing you to get the results you want without worrying about a long recovery process. You also don’t have to stress about not being able to participate in your regular activities since there are few restrictions after these injections. Dysport can also help prevent glabellar wrinkles. This is because a regular treatment using these injections can teach your muscles to be more relaxed.It is an affordable option, too. Instead of worrying about expensive and invasive treatments, you can turn to Dysport. 

How to Prepare for Dysport Injections 

We will always ask that you book a consultation with us so that we can assess the areas you want to treat. If we think you are a good candidate for Dysport, we will get your full medical history as well as a list of any medications or supplements you take. To help you prepare for the injections, we recommend that you stop taking medications and supplements that thin your blood. These include:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin
  • Vitamin E
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Ginger
  • Fish oil 
  • St. John’s Wort

We also ask that you don’t receive any facials, skin peels, or any other treatments for your face before the injections. Avoid alcohol for two to three days before the injections. 

The Procedure and the Results

Don’t wear makeup or skin lotions to your Dysport appointment. We will clean the area with an antiseptic, and we can always apply a topical anesthetic if you want it. The entire procedure takes just a few minutes, and then you can return to what you had planned for your day. There is no downtime after Dysport injections, but you do want to avoid drinking a lot of alcohol, as well as rubbing or scratching the injection sites. For at least 24 hours, avoid any other facial treatments. You should also skip exercising for the rest of the day. Don’t take blood-thinning medications for at least two days after the injections. Most people start seeing results after just two or three days, which is sooner than Botox. With Dysport, you can enjoy these results for anywhere from three to six months. How long the injections last will depend on your metabolism. 

Get Dysport in Westlake, OH

If you want to find a cosmetic procedure that does not require a long recovery time and can give you dependable results, Dysport injections can be an excellent choice. At Spa West in Westlake, OH, we offer both Dysport and Botox to help diminish signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. Our medspa provides some of the leading treatment options for cosmetic procedures. Request an appointment today to learn more about our options!


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